HF-Red in Vogue

HF-Red in Vogue is the essential fashion blog when it comes to the know about High Fashion. HF-RV will give everyone photos of Fashion itself as well as Fashion shows done by Iconic Designers as well as New Designers that are just starting their own brand. HF-RV will also include interviews with designers and fashion photographers that will explain their inspirations from their line. Facts about Fashion will be provided as well as topics about fashionable inspirations from the world in general. How is HF-Red in Vogue different from any other fashion blog? Simple-HF-RV is here to bring inspiration to all that enjoy fashion for what it really is. Art!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Summer is Leaving! Right!? Gone!

Ok. So I have been waiting to say this so I will say this the best way that I can...SUMMER IS ALMOST OVER! Yes summer is almost over and it is time to pull out you Fall Wear!!!! In my most humble opinion..lol The Fall season represents FASHION AT IT'S BEST! Why? because the season of Fall is never too hot never too cold just right and ohhh how I love it! I hope you Fashion lovers do too! It is a time when you can mix up a J.Crew Sweater with a striped buttoned down polo shirt from Banana Republic along with shorts by Abercrombie & Fitch complemented with the amazing touch giving by Toms! The amazing footwear. I have a lot of things to share with you all! First I want to share with you all a video from me telling you my readers about my Summer adventures and mishaps! Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Realizing "What's in Front of YOU"!

I never knew what was directly in front of me regarding my life until I was scared straight recently. I saw the life I have now flash before my eyes and all of a sudden I had to think of a new life because what I had done would've done so. Today, my college life is beyond amazing! Thanks to that scare:) I realize the importance of an education, the Value of Friendship, the freedom, the loss of time from just having fun and knowing that "there is no bed time". I now realize that my life is better than what I previously thought it was. 
In relation with Fashion-we (almost) of the time never realize the unlimited amount of inspiration that's around us-(you and I) until we've had something to shake us up a bit-to bring us to reality that says "life isn't as bad as you thought or that inspiration is easier to find once you've realized that YOU ARE THE INSPIRATION! and through that-a vision is created. It has been difficult for me to find inspiration for my next post-seriously! I was in a very bad place, but I came to terms with who I am and understood that what I go though everyday and what I overcome can be inspiration for someone else so why not write about my life my trials-issues...etc. You whoever you are reading this now if you are struggling with finding inspiration and from that you lack the spirit to create something amazing!? What I have to say about that is-who you are as a person and how you go about your day, the things that you have to overcome, the struggles you have to face, the good times-you have to do something miraculous with that! Write about it, scream about it, sing about it, dance about it! If you have a writers block and it is preventing you from doing something you love-use yourself as a gateway of inspiration just as I explained earlier and through that you will succeed. Trust me-You'll find something! I realized that creativity is many things and how thinking creatively opens so many doors and from that door flowers a masterpiece! 
INSPIRATION-CREATIVITY-VISION IS EVERYWHERE! Watch this Harper's Bazaar Photo Shoot and Discover the Inspiration! What's in front of You?

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I am a fool when it comes to men's fashion because I think that the fashion industry does not give (we men) justice! But it is my job to congratulate those designers that give (we men) what we truly deserve! & That is incredible FASHION!!!!! 
Enjoy-Givenchy: Spring 2012 Menswear